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Matthew 1

He planned it that way!

They mocked Him by calling Him the “friend of sinners” but He had chosen to become the “Son of sinners” long before.

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.”
Or “Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.”
God is nothing if He’s not mysterious. He does things in unique, unpredictable and surprising manners. And nowhere is that more evident than in the orchestration of the ancestral legacy of the Son of God.

• Four Gentile grandmothers
• Three morally scarred reputations
• Two who sold their bodies
• One unwed mother

“My thoughts are not you thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.” The stunning reality of the narrative of Divine RESCUE is that God planned and executed a legacy of grace whereby ANYONE who would believe could be saved! It’s not a birthright. It’s not a merited reward. It’s only and always of mercy and grace!

Your conscience may condemn you. Your “friends and family plan” may write you off as hopeless. Your culture may render you unsaveable, but the beauty of the lineage of Jesus is this…His grace is enough!

They mocked Him by calling Him the “friend of sinners” but He had chosen to become the “Son of sinners” long before. Tamar. Rahab. Ruth. Bathsheba. Mary.

He planned it that way!

See you Sunday, Church!

Pastor Tom