Our Children’s Ministry seeks to glorify God by partnering with families to proclaim the gospel, teach the Bible, model godly living, and prepare children to be sent out where God has called them. Realizing that children are a mission field ripe for harvest and future leaders of the Church, we commit to pray for every child that God brings us.


Available during both our 9:00 & 10:30am services
We desire to provide a safe and loving environment for your precious little ones while in our nursery. While in our care, your child will be individually prayed for by our caregivers. We have a special worship time with a Bible lesson, music, and scripture memory. There are 4 truth statements that are repeated during the Bible lessons. They are: God made everything, Jesus is Here, We love Jesus, and Jesus Loves Me. Children are promoted from the nursery to Preschool Sunday School at the beginning of the quarter following their 2nd birthday.

Nursing Mother's Room

For your privacy, we offer a room dedicated to nursing mothers. Room 3 - The nursing mother’s room is located behind our sanctuary near the nursery and children’s check-in station.


Preschool Sunday School: 
9:00 am - 2 years-Kindergarten
10:30 am - 2-5 years old
We offer a combined class for 2 & 3-year-olds, and a combined class for 4 & 5-year-olds. In preschool Sunday School, we aim to teach children foundational truths of God’s word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We use Truth78 curriculum that explores God's greatness by noting key themes found chronologically throughout the old and new testament. The children will learn how each Bible story fits into God’s plan to redeem sinful mankind through the work of Jesus Christ. Preschool promotions happen on the first Sunday of December and the first Sunday of June. We will promote your child on the promotion day that follows their birthday.

Elementary Sunday School

Sunday School (K-5th Grade), 10:30am
It is our prayerful desire that in each Elementary Sunday school class, children would come to a better understanding of the greatness and worth of God as well as see their individual need for a Savior. We use Truth78 curriculum for all Elementary Sunday school classes. In Kindergarten, children will learn about God’s plan to redeem sinful mankind. In first grade, the children will learn about the greatness and worth of God using the alphabet as a framework to study God’s attributes and character. In second grade, the children will learn about the promises of God, and what it means to trust in them. Third grade is a chronological study of redemptive history. The children will study how God revealed his redemptive purposes throughout scripture and how they were fulfilled in the work of Jesus Christ. Fourth grade is a study of what it means to become like Jesus through the process of sanctification in the life of a believer. Children will also learn essential elements of the gospel message, it's purpose and promise. Fifth grade children will learn about the providence of God. They will examine the various ways God is working in the world to accomplish His purposes.

Planning to Visit?

If you are planning to visit, please go to the Information Desk just inside the front doors when you arrive and ask to be directed to the children’s check-in station. At check-in we will get some basic information about your child, give your child a check-in sticker to wear, and give you a parent pick-up tag. Our check-in station workers will be happy to walk you to your child’s classroom or give you a map and point you in the right direction. Once in their classroom, we will ask you  to write your child's name on the class attendance sheet and give us your cell phone number just in case we would need to contact you while your child is in class. If you have any questions in advance of your visit, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the church office!

Special Needs
Please reach out to our Children's Ministry Director, Jen Sauberan, and let us know how we can support your family!