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Nehemiah 3:1-32

The repetitions ring out like rim shots on a snare drum from an impassioned musician!
“And next to him…and next to him…and next to him…” 15 times!
“After him…after him…after him…after him…” 15 more times!

The simple rule of Bible interpretation begins with reading aloud and listening for repeated lines and phrases. In Nehemiah 3, you don’t have to listen long to pick up a major theme for the text. Ministry is non-negotiably a team activity! That’s what the text is clearly and loudly saying.

The context is, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned.” Nehemiah 2:17 Nearly a century and a half after the total devastation of the nation and the utter destruction of the glorious city, an altar has been reconstructed and implemented, the Temple has been rebuilt, and houses have gone beyond mere habitats to homes graced with luxury. Even Bible studies had been once again introduced. In other words, the skeleton of the community was resurrected from the rubble, but the essential structures that served to protect as well as distinguish them as a unique people still lay in ashes. Something had to be done. And someone had to do it.

It was an engineering challenge of monumental scope. To both the casual observer as well as the skilled stoneworker, this was “mission impossible.” The city walls of protection were an average of 40 feet in height. They were thick enough to drive a chariot around their top. And they were NOT assembled from river-rock but rather from quarried limestone. The gates were crafted from massive timbers and hung on huge steel hinges, barred each night with massive iron pins. This, my friends, was NOT a one-man job!

“I told them of the hand of my God that had been on me for good…and they said, ‘Let us rise up and build!’” Nehemiah 2:18 And build they did! The labor force for this impossible undertaking included both the “who’s who” and as well as the “who’s that” crowd—the high priest, the local pastors, the neighbors from numerous surrounding communities, artisans who specialized in fine jewelry, local mayors and city council members, salesmen, and even one man who had no sons but whose daughters cheerfully joined the party! It was a community effort driven by a common passion. The restoration of the dignity of their city and the restored reputation of their glorious God drew them together and drove them ahead.

Reading this chapter, one cannot help but reflect on the principles of building up the Church of Jesus Christ. Though we are many members, we are all one Body, built upon one foundation—Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone. And although we are one Body, we are many parts. His Church is built up and reflects His glory when each member (both the “who’s who” and the “who’s that” crowd) does his/her part in serving “next to…and after them” in the passionate pursuit of one glorious purpose!

There is yet another “rim shot” that rings out in your outloud reading of this text. “Built…built…built…repaired…repaired…repaired…repaired…restored…” No less than 46 times!

Building Faith is the complementary commitment of the many members to the common cause of removing the rubble, of restoring hope, of resurrecting passion and building the glorious reputation of the One Lord and Savior. This ministry is non-negotiably a team sport!

See you Sunday, Church!
Pastor Tom