
Who Left The Door Open?!?
Rev 3:7-13

To the challenged but faithful congregation in the city of brotherly love, Christ declared, “I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut”—Rev 3:8

Simply reading the text brought a smile to my face. I wish that I had read that back in my childhood days! It reminded me of the home in which I grew up. Seems the fact that our doors had hinges and could swing both ways was a lesson not quickly learned. Frequently you would hear someone ask, “Who left the door open?”

An open door is a window of opportunity. Mice, bugs, flies and even the neighbor’s pets could make entrance at will with such an invitation. But on the other hand, we did most of our growing up OUTSIDE that door, not inside. Mom had a rowdy bunch and was an outdoors kind of gal. So as soon as breakfast was consumed, we were herded out the door. Any return was simply to accumulate more play items or for a pause of refreshing (they call those “rest-rooms” for a reason, you know). Soon as mission was accomplished, it was back out the door. So, to the juvenile mind, it seemed an unnecessary bother to take time to close the door you were going to immediately open again!

When one begins to understand the challenges being faced in Philadelphia, you marvel at the Lord’s provision and encouragement. Times were tough. Life for the normal resident was a daily reminder of insecurities. And to the “believing” resident, there was both the physical problems faced by all community members PLUS the constant pressures of persecution for their faith. If ever it seemed to be an inopportune time for serving others and sharing the saving message of the gospel, it was in those days! But in that challenging circumstance the Lord of the Church declared, “I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut!” In other words, go out with bold confidence to share and to serve.

Grandma Marie lost her eye-sight when I was very young. But she never lost her sense of humor! As we ran back into the house to snag another item for entertainment, Mom would be heard calling out, “Who left the door open?” But typically she would add this line, “You weren’t born in a barn, were you?!?” To which Grandma would always respond, “Yes, I WAS born in a barn!” And so she had been.

Who left the door open? CHRIST left the door open. He leaves it open so that you may walk through to serve others and to share His gospel of hope with the hopeless!

“The true One who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut…”

See you Sunday, Church!

Pastor Tom