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Three of the most “misquoted/misapplied” statements of Jesus ever!
• “Don’t judge so you won’t be judged.”
• “Don’t throw your pearls in front of pigs.”
• “Whatever you ask God for He will give you!”

“Judge not, that you be not judged,” —Matthew 7:1. Fight to remind ourselves that we are only passing through and therefore we need to keep packing light. We are away from Home, headed Home, but we aren’t Home yet! On the journey together, we need to stop making it harder for our fellow travelers and instead continually ask, “How can I lighten my sister/brother’s load?” “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ,”—Galatians 6:2. PILGRIMS.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding ONE pearl of great value, went and sold all he had and bought it,”—Matthew 13:45. We are Pilgrims on the journey Home, carefully and selectively packing only those treasures that have true value. Lots of stuff of lesser value often finds its way into our bags, but we strategically and insightfully toss aside what is not treasure in order to steward wisely that which is treasure indeed. PEARLS.

Our hearts are irresistibly drawn to the bells and whistles of prosperity preaching which distorts the Lord’s promises by seeking to convince us that, because we are the children of the King, we can have ANYTHING we ask Him for. We are chided for our having “less than” because we simply have not taken hold of the promise. They tell us it’s our lack of faith and our lack of asking. Slowly we find ourselves turning back from our radical faith commitment to the Living God to seek our joy in the lifeless idols we once embraced. We reduce our incomparable and unmerited relationship with the Creator of the Universe to a whiner’s pursuit of a “sugar-daddy.” We are tempted to doubt that He REALLY loves us and REALLY knows what is best. Perverted understanding of the intimate care of our Heavenly Father tempts us to abuse the glorious privileges of living as loved and treasured sons. PROMISES.

Three of the most “misquoted/misapplied” statements of Jesus ever!
• “Don’t judge so you won’t be judged.”
• “Don’t throw your pearls in front of pigs.”
• “Whatever you ask God for He will give you!”

Pilgrims on our journey Home, packing with us the incomparable Pearls of the Good News of the gospel, while experiencing the generous provision of our gracious Father’s Promises. We pack lightly for the journey because we know that we are not Home yet!

See you Sunday, Church!

Pastor Tom