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RESCUE: Limping For Joy

Genesis 32

When you wrestle with God, you only really win when you lose. #AskJacob

He is God and we are not…the secret to our struggle with God.

We have our plans. We nurse our dreams. We live in grand expectation of what we will be and how we will make that happen. But then, a speed bump or two enters our path. A surprise. A sudden interruption. Perhaps a deep disappointment. Maybe even a horrendous sorrow. Suddenly our plans are shredded, our dreams shattered, our expectations suddenly destroyed. What we had built our lives around has crumbled, its foundations so broken there seems no possibility of rebuilding.

At moments like these, what is our natural response? “Why, God?” or “WHY, God?!?” or “Why, GOD?!?” In frustration and confusion we find ourselves turning against Him. We doubt Him. We blame Him. We slander Him. We disappoint Him because He has deeply disappointed us. We awaken one day to discover we are wrestling with God. We stubbornly refuse to surrender, to cry “Uncle” as we foolishly convince ourselves that we CAN wrestle with God and win!

But the reality is this truth: He is God and we are not. Our arms are too short, our legs are too weak, our strength too frail for us to make a good showing when we wrestle with God!

He is God and we are not…“When you wrestle with God, you only win when you lose!” #AskJacob