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“I love my church!”

You’ve obviously seen those signs along the curbs of our city. You’ve seen it printed on t-shirts and read it on the bumper-sticker while waiting for the light to change. I have to admit, I have been very tempted to order a bunch of those signs for FBC! “I LOVE my church…FAITHBIBLECHURCH of Lincoln!”

I have a pastor friend who, for the 25 years of our relationship, has always spoken of the church that he shepherded as “my church.” He would frequently make statements like, “my music director” or “my elders” or “my budget” or “my facilities.” Always it was, “MY church!” Now, being passionate about the fellowship in which one serves is a wonderful thing—don’t misunderstand me—but there is something that just doesn’t quite “ring true” in those statements. Let me try to clarify.

Paul wrote to the shepherds of the church in Ephesus, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.” Acts 20:28

There it is. That’s what has made me only a tad bit uneasy about the signs, bumper-stickers, and t-shirts. While you and I may sweat in our serving the members, Christ Jesus DIED for that same church. In other words, we are those who find incredible joy in the fellowship of our brothers and sisters. But He alone is the “owner” of the church. He bought it with His own shed blood…purchased and paid for in full! It is HIS church, not “MY church.”

So, I do LOVE my church! But the full truth is best expressed like this: I love HIM and He loves HIS church. That’s why I love the church. And that puts it all into right perspective!

I am looking forward to hearing the book of Acts together with you as we learn together to “love HIS church!” We begin our journey this Sunday morning as we introduce ourselves to the “Life of Jesus: The Sequel.”

Seeing you Sunday, Church!
Pastor Tom